
L’alabastre és una pedra natural que es troba en pedreres a cel obert en forma de roques que floreixen a la superfície o s’endinsen a la terra.

Es molt apreciada pel seu color, per la textura, pel vetejat i per les seves propietats de translucidesa. Només l’alabastre pot mostrar aquesta gran varietat de matisos, fent que cada peça sigui única i irrepetible. 

A la natura sembla que tot sigui igual, però si ens hi fixem, cada pedra, cada planta, cada ésser viu gaudeix d’una singularitat inqüestionable. Textures, formes, colors i olors fan de qualsevol animal, vegetal o mineral un element molt especial. En el cas de l’alabastre parlaríem d’un material tan fràgil com encisador. Amable material agraït per treballar que, com la mare natura, requereix d’un tracte acurat, respectuós i afable.


Material > Alabastre

Any > 2020

Tipologia > Braçalet




The alabaster is a natural stone found in open quarries in the form of rocks that bloom to the surface or enter the ground.

It is highly appreciates for its colour, texture, veining and translucency properties. Only alabaster can show this great variety of shades, making each piece unique and unrepeatable.

Everything seems to be the same in nature, but if you look at it, every stone, every plant, every living thing enjoys an unquestionable singularity. Textures, shapes, colours and smells make any animal, vegetable or mineral a very special element. In the case of alabaster we would speak of a material as fragile as it is lovely. Kind material grateful to work that, like Mother Nature, requires a careful, respectful and gentle treatment.


Material > Alabaster

Year > 2020

Typology > Bracelet